The Family

The Family
Me and my boys!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Leftover Meatballs

Good Morning World!
Yesterdays post was on how to make "Fresh Gravy", I realized at some point in my day yesterday that I forgot to mention that you are to chop the fresh oregano and basil, then loosely measure it in the cup. I kept having a vision of someone actually attempting this recipe and having a totally confused look when they had big clumps of oregano and basil on there forks. Sorry for missing that detail! It's actually a bit difficult to try to write a recipe down for something you don't use a recipe for because you have made it so many times it comes as second nature to do it. It's like brushing your teeth or folding laundry, you just do it.

One of the beauties of making a big pot of "Cooked Gravy" is that it always has some sort of meat in it, there's always leftovers and it reheats very well. Last night I got home late from work, Mike was at church and the boys were both out living life. I was hungry, didn't feel like cooking anything and to my delight there was leftover "Cooked Gravy" and in it were these beautiful, moist, and delicious meatballs. I put two of them in a bowl with lots of gravy on them, two minutes in the microwave and bingo! Sprinkle a little fresh Parmesan and tuck a napkin in the front of my shirt to catch the drips and dinner is served! I think tomorrows blog should be the secret to making meatballs!
Have a wonderful day who ever you are!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, Arlita....... I will try your "Gravy" recipe....Thanks for psting it! Patti
